Farm fresh organic red tomatoes in the amount of your choosing.
Canning Equipment (See above)
Grind your tomatoes into a puree using a modified garbage disposal (see above) or a high powered blender. No need to de-core or de-seed!
Bring your tomato puree to a boil in a large stockpot and let simmer on medium-low heat for 2-3 hours, or until reduced by half. You can increase the quantity you make by making double the puree of what your pot holds and adding the extra pot to your simmer pot as the sauce reduces.
Sterilize your lids, rings and jars by boiling in hot water for 10 seconds.
Use a funnel to pour hot sauce into your hot jars leaving 1/4-1/2 inch headspace. Wipe any splatters from the jar rim. Seal tightly with lid and jar ring.
Immediately flip your filled jars upside down. The heat will seal the jars without the need for a water bath. Note, this recipe only works if you don’t use anything but red tomatoes. Adding other ingredients will necessitate the use of a water bath for canning!