Don’t forget that I’m donating all advertising revenue this month to Delek Hospital for the care of Tibetan refugees! Just click on the ads on both sides and bottom of the blog!
While volunteering at Tibetan Children’s Village, I was asked by the health committee to do some health education for the senior (grade 9-12) students while here. I gave separate boys and girls talks where the students were able to write down questions and submit them anonymously for me to answer.
I had tons of great questions on everything from acne to medicines that promise to make you taller to skin lightening creams. Just like we try to make ourselves tanner in the United States, the hope here is for fairer skin. The grass is always greener on the other side!
There were also a good number of sexual health questions, which I was very happy about. I really wanted the opportunity to dispel the myths that come with lack of knowledge and to promote healthy sexual behaviors.
The last health talk I gave was for World Health Day. It was for all of the senior students and ended up being about 500 students and staff! It was slightly intimidating to stand before such a large group and talk about being healthy. Okay, it was very intimidating!
I had a blast spending the week at TCV. It is my first time working with kids since September, as all of my recent rotations have been with adults. It really re-lit my passion for medicine and reconfirmed that training as a pediatrician will give me life-long fulfillment as a career. Working with kids is challenging and exciting and rewarding and I can’t wait to start residency at UCSF this summer!
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