I keep a Google doc with a packing list that I use when getting ready for any big trip. If I don’t take an organized approach to packing, I’ll inevitably forget something important. In that past that has included a camera charger, underwear, a comb, sunglasses…you get the picture.
I’ve compiled a list of things I never travel without. Adding these small items to your bag will ensure your comfort and safety for international travel.
Travel Tips: Things to Never Travel Without
1. Sunscreen, especially for my face! I like Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch Sunblock. It’s not greasy and offers protection against UVA and UVB rays. If you’re spending a lot of time in the sun, it may be worth it to bring a sunscreen body spray. My new favorite sunscreen is a powdered form. Technology these days!
2. Almonds. Perfect protein on the go. Healthy and portable! Also, I can’t live without a jar of peanut butter.
3. Lightweight rain jacket that bundles up into a teeny package.
4. Used books I can read and then pass on.
5. Small notepad to jot down my thoughts. Perfect for those blog ideas that pop up when I’m not near a computer.
6. A small sheet with important numbers of credit card companies, places I’m staying, and insurance policies tucked into a safe pocket
7. Photocopies of my passport. If you’re staying at a hotel you can trust, it’s much better to leave your passport than keep it while you explore. A photocopy is usually a suitable form of ID. (See this post.)
8. Swimsuit! No matter where I’m going! I’ve learned the hard way that the one time your forget it is the time you meet someone with a hottub/visit a hot springs/hike to a waterfall.
9. Chargers for my phone and camera. This was a hard lesson learned after I forgot both on two trips in a row!
10. Hydrocortisone cream. This stuff is like a magic eraser for bug bites, mysterious rashes and allergic reactions.
11. Pashmina. Works as a scarf, shawl, pillow, beach blanket, and beach coverup. I usually pack two sizes, medium and x-large.
12. Insect spray or lotion. The lotion is especially nice since it doesn’t smell and you can apply only on exposed skin. If you’re going to a place with a big bug problem you may even want to treat your clothes with Permethrin.
13. Hand wipes. I keep a pack in my purse. Great for cleaning hands before meals or after a trip to the bathroom when there’s no soap! I also care a small bottle of hand sanitizer
14. Toilet paper. Many countries don’t use toilet paper when they go. Don’t be caught unprepared!
15. Earplugs/eye shade. A must for the budget traveler, especially for sleeping on overnight buses and in hostel dorms! Earplugs ensure you will get a decent night’s sleep, which for me is very important.
16. Running shoes! Duh!
For more travel tips, check out my post on Being a Solo Female Traveler in India
Am I forgetting anything? Tell me in the comments section below!
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